Monday, May 20, 2013

Diabetes is for the Dogs

First post and I'm already sounding pretty cynical. Well, now that the blogging world is basically old news for anyone that knows his way around the internet, it's time for me to join in. I started this blog for three reasons:
1) Why is an adult type 1 diabetic basically an endangered species? I've joined forces with the local JDRF chapter and the Facebook groups, but they're all focused on, well, the kids, the kids' parents, and the stresses of new diagnoses. For those of us 18 and up, for those who've had this disease their whole lives and tend to cycle in and out of laziness/burn out more frequently, or just those who are ready for an online community that understands them, I'm throwing my two cents in.
2) Accountability. Because if I don't talk about diabetes, it's easier sometimes to pretend it doesn't exist. And that pretending can lead to some pretty lazy and dumb moves, like postponing and eventually forgetting to bolus. Or "feeling fine" so skipping that post-prandial blood sugar check. So I'm baring it all (all things diabetes, anyway). Bare with me?
3) Diabetes, if nothing else, is an adventure. We all chronicle our vacations, funny moments, and big events, so why not the diabetes parts, too? It's a small but ever-present and horribly non-consistent part of my life, but one that I make sure doesn't get in the way of everything else (more on some of that everything else in later posts). Twenty-one years fighting this daily battle of fingerpricks, measuring cups, and injections is enough for me to confidently say that I plan on being here awhile, so join the adventure.

So, in spirit of the accountability, the pre-lunch blood sugar wasn't pretty. The grimace as I skipped the banana and trail mix and moved straight to the salad was even less so. We're still having bolus ratio issues that will hopefully be resolved at an upcoming endo visit.

Join the adventure!

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